I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Kiwi can
Today we had kiwi can in room 7 with Mrs Lilly and Mr Matt .
We also talked about consequences and accountability . We had to Mr matt and Mrs lily what accountability means and what consequences are .
We played 1 energiser game on Wednesday and that was 1 hand football . We had to be inderpendent and had to number ourselves off. and when mrs lily sad a number that group of numbers had to go . Some people had a one on one and some people had a group of people to challenge . At the end of the game we had to shake the players hands . The score was 5 \6 so then we had another game and then it was a tie . After that we got into our point system we got 24 out of 25 I recond we did really good this week and last week .
LI: To listen to mr matt and Mrs lily .
Accountability .,
Kiwi Can

Today for maori we made cat cattle's with string .
We had to mad diamonds , a parachute a cup and salsa and the sky tower .Miss whea odie . This week was our second to last week for maori . At first this was really confusing for me at first but our maori teach ( whea odie ) helped me . The parachute was a little bit easy , the cup and salsa was easy , the sky tower was a little tricky and the 2 diamonds were challenging .
Cats cattle,
Friday, 22 June 2018

On tuesday we did reading and we learned and talked about Inferring .
We had to watch a video about inferring .
The videos we watched showed mr wongs groups an example of what inferring is .
What did you Learn ? I learned how to infer to something
How did you learn ? I learned this by watching a video and trying to infer
LI : was to infer .
Kiwi Can
On wednesday we had kiwi can and we learned about accountability .
We talked about what was accountability .

Accountability .,
Kiwi Can
Today we had maori and we had to make a weave fish .
We had to go on google maps and write up whataitai , Petone , Te awa kair angi , Whanga nui a tara , matiu island , Wgtn airport , and rarangi fish . We also had to watch a video on how to make a weave fish .
Mrs whea odie had also read us a story called The tanwha of wellington harbou r.
Weave Fish .
The Circulatory system .
The circulatory system
Fish bone
We had to do these all as a group to get credits .
The people in my group are Liletina , Sila , Raera , afatia and me .
What did you Learn ? I learned some new facts about the circulatory system .
Fish bone
This week we did inquiry . this week we learned about the circulatory system .
We had to do these all as a group to get credits .
My group ( The Living Girls ) have earned 3 new credits ever since yesterday .
The people in my group are Liletina , Sila , Raera , afatia and me .
We had to do compulsory tasks .
What did you Learn ? I learned some new facts about the circulatory system .
How did you Learn ? I learned this by working as a group sharing things and working together .
LI ; Was to work together .
Inquiry .,
The Circulatory system
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Kiwi Sport

Today we had our last week with hamish .
On the first round we only got 1 point but then we kepped on getting more points .
We played Rippa rush inside the hall because it was raining outside . Group A went first and then group B .
the first thing we did was get split up into 4 groups .
my grop was the blues we had to get our ball to the side that the green team was on .
We could only do a backwards pass . Once we got the ball we had to run with it and then pass .
Kiwi Sport,
Rippa rush
Friday, 15 June 2018

Today I commented on Angelicas blog post .
She was learning about the circulatory system .
Me and my group also learn about the Circulatory system . My question for Her was Did anyone help you for this ?
Kiwi Sport .

Today for Kiwi Sport we first started with rippa rush, during rippa rush we had to use the Skills Hamish taught us on our last session of Kiwi Sport, which was about side stepping. After that Hamish was talking to us about what we need to work on.Hamish numbered us in numbers no.1, no.2, no.3. Then we played a game sort of like Rippa rush but we had to get into 3 group one group was resting and the other 2 playing. One group was running and another group was defending. The running group had to run to the other siude of the court without getting ripped. If multiples people get over an only a few got ripped then the team gets one point. The defending team had to try defend the other team to make them not go the other side so they had to make a plan. They had to try make a wall so the running team can find it hard to get to the other side.After that we played an actual rippa game. We had to use the wall skills so it is hard for the other team to score. We had to tap and pass. We stayed in our 3 groups when we were playing
Kiwi Sport
Reminder of a Narrative .
Yesterday and on Monday we did writing and we had to do a reminder of a narrative . When we write a narrative we always need to use TOPES. T stands for title , O stands for Orientation , P stands for Problem , E stands for Event and S stands for Solution .When we write a narrative we can use past tense or speech figurative language. You should also use TEE to write a narrative . For TEE T stands for Tittle , E stands for Events and E stands for events
LI : To identify the structure and language features of a Narrative .
What did you learn ? I learned how to make a reminder of how to write a narrative .
How did you learn ? I learned this by working as a group and remembering how I wrote 1 of my narratives .
Flip Grid \ Why do our muscles get tired .
Flip Grid Video
On Monday and tuesday we did reading and we had to make a flip grid On why On Monday and tuesday we did reading and we had to make a flip grid On why our muscles get tired . We also had to read an article Why our muscles get tired . In our flip grid we had to answer the question
(Why our Muscles get tired ) And we also needed to talk about the article that we read .
LI: To self Monitor understanding of words and phrases .
What did you learn ? I learned why our muscles get tired .
How did you Learn ? I learned this by reading an article and talking about that article while I was doing my Flip grid video .
Flip Grid,
Why do our muscles get tired ?
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
KIwi Can .
Today for kiwi can we played energisers . The energisers we played were copy me , body movement and master . When we want into room 7 and we played our energisers . We had a new theme today and the theme was honesty . Mrs lilly and Mr matt asked us why is it good to tell the truth and they also said why is it bad to not tell the truth . the first game we played was copy me . We had to get into a group and we got given cards and on the bord there was numbers and on the cards there was numbers and we had to copy what was on the board .
LI: was to listen to our kiwi can teachers.
Kiwi Can,
role models .
Today for maori we talked about the maori new year which is Matariki .
Our Maori teacher is called whea odie .
Our teacher Whea odie gave us a word search and it was all in maori and we had to find the maori words . The maori new year is on friday the 15th of June .Miss whea odie
Learning Intention : Was to listen to our teacher whea odie and to learn about the 7 stars of matariki .
What did you learn ? I learned how to sing songs that i have never heard before .
how did you learn ? I learned this by listening to my maori teacher Whea Odie .
Maori New year .,
The seven sars of matariki.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Shopping .

Yesterday we had cyber smart , this week and last week we talked about shopping online .
last week we had to write down places were we can buy things . There was a colum that said retal shopping and that colume can only be in real life and online shopping can only be things that can also be brought online .
What did you learn ? I learned how to get better if i shop online I know a way to get better buying things .
How did you learn ? I learned this by working as a group because we also had to get in our group of 3 that we were in last week.
LI : To identify advantages in shopping- in person and online.
Retall shopping .,
Shopping online
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Kiwi Can .

Today we had kiwi can . We had our kiwi can in room 7 at panmure bridge school . We played 3 energizers The first one we played were Cat and mouse . we had to get in a circle to play Cat and mouse.
What did you learn ? I learned what integrity means integrity means doing the right thing when no one is looking .
How did you learn ? I learned this by listening to mrs Lilly and Mr matt .
LI : To show integrity .
Kiwi Can .
A matariki story
Today for maori we were learning about the maori New year . We have our maori in our class. our maori teacher is whea odie . We had to watch story about the matariki . we also had to get buddies with a partner and we had to watch videos about matariki . We also sang some songs and I also learned some of the names of the matariki stars which are Waiti , Waita , Waipunu -arangi , Tupuanuku, Uururangi and matariki . Matariki is a family of stars they similise the maori new year .Tango tango and wainui are the parents of the seven matariki stars .Matariki are 7 sister stars . The linkto the videos and songs we watched at the top .
maori new year,
Matariki .
Friday, 1 June 2018

What did you learn ? I learned how mantis shrimp punch and how to write a explanation .
How did you Learn ? I learned this by using a conclusion , Explanation and an introduction .
LI : To write detailed Paragraphs .
Yesterday we had writing and Me and mr wrongs writing groups had to write a pharagraph explanation . Mr wongs group had to do a paragraph explanation about venus fly trap I did an explanation about the mantis shrimp because I was not at school on monday .
Explanation .,
The Compulsory Tasks .
Compulsory Tasks .
Today we did inquiry . We learned about nutrition and other things .
Me and my group (the living girls ) me and my class had to learn about the digestive system and we had to finish our Compulsory tasks .
The people in my group are Raera , Sila , Liletina , Afatia , and me .
We had to make google slide and google drawing to complete our compulsory tasks .
What did you learn ?
I learned how to work as a group and I also learned some facts about the digestive system and other things .
How did you learn ?
I learned this by working as a team and writ\ting down things that Me and my group are suppost to write .
LI : to define digestive .
Nutrition .,
Picture poster,
The Digestive system
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