
Thursday, 28 February 2019

Taniwha Role | Kiwi Sport

Learning Intention : 
To follow Coach Chanice's rules because she was explaing hat we had to do .

Today ( 28\2\2019 ) The year 5s had kiwi Sport with our coach chanice . Today we played 3 games but the first one was when all of the year sixes had to get into a cricle but not in front of the tupu and we had got given a ball and we had to try and throw the ball to the tupu and we also had to make sure that everyone had got a turn and if we had a turn then we would have to step out of the game so that coach chanice knew who hasn't had a turn and she was also us as well , it took us 1 minute and 30 seconds to do that . The secound game we played Was when we got divided into to groups and 1 group had to save the wife and the other group that to tag the person that would try and save the wife But if you had gotten tagged then you would become a wife to and someone will have to save you . A while later we had to switch over . But then the Last Game that we played was girls vs Boys and basically their was a ball involved and if the girls had the ball then a girl would have to try and tag a boy but we were not aloud to run with the ball .

Why Did We Play these Games ? 
I think that We played these game's to Get a better idea of what ki O rahi is and who was involved in the ki o Rahi game because Ki o rahi is a legendary game  .

What Did You Learn ? 
I learned the basic way how to play Ki O Rahi on the field .

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