
Friday, 27 July 2018

Snag Golf

Image result for snaggolf

On thursday we have snaggolf . It was our first lesson of snaggolf yesterday with Mr ogilvie .First we had to get into a group of 3 . the people in my group of 3 were Raera , elenora and me . We had 3 balls and we had to try and get the yellow target . We first just had to try get the target but then we had to keep on changing over . for an example there was 1 person behind the target collecting the balls when the person was finished and there was a person waiting behind the person waiting for their turn . 

What did you Learn ? I learned How to get a snag . 

LI: To hit a target . 

Thursday, 26 July 2018


LI:To visualise and question scenes in a book . 

This week for reading we learned how to visulise and question . 

We had to chose a book to question and visulise . 

The book that i chose was called Simon and the witch . 

This book is about a boy nammed Simon and the witch was simons friend she was really mean . 

she taught Simon how to  turn his teacher into a frog to find out more read the book simon and the Witch . 

Different Measurements .

This week for maths we learned abot measurements . We had to find things to measure and we had to use anything besides a ruller . the non stanard was the things we used different from a ruler . The standard measurement is the measure ment that was used in a ruler . 

LI: to measure lengths using standart and non - standard things .

What is Media

Today we did cybersmart . We learned about media. We had to find out what media was . We also had to get into a group of three or a group of 2 . I got into a group of 3 with Alayah , raera and me . We had to also watch videos to get an example of what media was and is . 

LI: To learn about media . 

Wednesday, 25 July 2018


This week for writting we learned about narratives and parodies . We had to get into a group of 3 and we had to make a narrative about our class mini olympics in term 1 .
we had to have a problem , solution , orientation a title and events .
the group people in my group is alice , and alayah . 

LI : To write a narrative for our school manaiakalani film Festival .
What Did you Learn ?  I Learned how to fix a problem .
How Did you Learn ? I learned this by working as a group . 

Kiwi can


Today it was our first kiwi can for week 1 term 3 . We had our kiwi Can in room 7 at panmure bridge school . When we first went inside we had to get into 4 lines . Then we talked about resiliance and goal seeting .  we talked about what resiliance is and what a goal is . A goal is achieveing something that you have always wanted to achieve . Resiliance basically means sitting back and relaxing or it means to keep fit . The energisers we played were in order . we played in order by getting in order from when we are born and the order had to be from january to december . Then we played again but we had to be put in boy girl boy girl . 

Then we played goal setting .

LI: to  participate in Kiwi Can 

Duffy Theature

On Monday we had a Duffy assembly because it was our first day\week for term 3 .
The classes that were there were room 1 , room 2 , room 3 , room 4, room 5 and Ls1 .
Our actors where talking about bully . We had our Duffy assembly inside the hall 

The name of the book that our actors read was called the halloween bully  every-time she read the book she would keep on getting bullied . then Chantelle read the book and she found that she was the bully . so she said sorry to Ashleigh the actor .  at first ashleigh was afraid to tell who her bully was but she still faced her fear . Chantelle the bully use to follow ashleigh and steal her lunch but one day Chantelle had no lunch so Chantelle said to Ashleigh you better give me your lunck alrealse she was gonna keep bullying her so Ashleigh gave her lunch to chantelle. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

What is matariki .

Today LS1 collaborated with LS2 . LS1 had to get into a group of 4 . 2 people from LS1 and 2 people from LS2 .We learned about matariki and what matariki is . Matariki comes hen it is the maori new year . The matariki stars are the 6 daughters and the mum (Matariki ) . The name of the stars are Waiti ,Waita , waipunarangi , tupuanuku ,  tupuarangi and Ururangi .

Me had to make a google slide and write down what matariki is and when do they celebrate . 

The matariki stars celebrate on June the 15th .