
Friday, 14 September 2018


This week for commented on farzanna blogpost about timestables and multiplication and division .her blogpost told me alot of things in her blurb . her blurb also tells me how she did it why she did it and much more.


This week for keyboarding drills I went on Dancing mat the game . This game helps you get your writing get faster . it also tells you were you should position your fingers . After that it will give you a word to write down and then you will have to try and write that word with your fingers positioned where the game told you where to position them .

Multiplication and division

this week for my multiplication and division I practised my 2 times tables . At first these were really hard for me but I got the hang of it and some of them were easy .

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Emotive language

This week for writting we are learning about emotive language . The main thing inside of a emotive sentince or an emotive story there is Adjectives verbs , nouns and adverbs . I learned what emotive language was emotive language is basically expressing the way you feel .For this Mr wongs writting groups had to make aposter explaining what emotive language is and what its used for  . 

LI: To write informative but emotive paragraphs . 

Basic facts boxes

This week for maths we are learning about times tables and basic fact with addition and subtraction . This was pretty tricky for me because as you can see it was quite hard for me because I got most wrong . But this was really good for me because it tells me what i need to work on , I need to work on the ones that i got wrong . I think that I did really good because I got most of the questions right  . 

LI: to develop fast recall of basic addition and subtraction facts.

Kiwi Sport

This week for Snag golf we did a different type of putter . at first we had to get into a group of 3 my group was a group of 4 with angelica , Sila , Ellenora and me . we did our putting with a target , Velcro flag , golf stick  holahoops and t . At first we had to put the hola hoop on the floor then the person that was having their turn had to stand inside of the hola hoop then the person having the turn had to put the ball on the tea and then someone had to try and get a snag . If we were left handed we will then need to make a group with all the people that are left handed because most people in LS1 were right handed .We had to also make sure that our feet were inside of the hoop together if we were right handed then we had to look at the hall witch was on the right hand side then if we were left handed people had to look at the grass witch was on the left hand side .

Motorways, Highways, Streets, Roads and Crescents.

This week for inquiry we dare learning about  Motorways, Highways, Streets, Roads and Crescents. We had to get into partners and my partner was Zepplin. Me and Zepplin made a slide presentation about Motorways, Highways, Streets, Roads and Crescents  we also put intersting information and interesting images and videos inside of our presentation . I learned more facts about Motorways, Highways, Streets, Roads and Crescents because at first i didn't no much things about Motorways, Highways, Streets, Roads and Crescents .
LI:To learn more about Motorways, Highways, Streets, Roads and Crescents.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Kiwi Can

This week for kiwi can we played 2 energiser \ games . the games we played were add on and the other one we played was no fastration . to play add on we had to get into a circle and then 1 persson had to stand up to start it off and then that 1 person had to chose what way to go then Mr matt or Mr ogilvie had to ask the person that you were versing questions then whoever go it wrong had to sit where the other person sat and then the other person had to go to the next person and see who they could beet . Our other game ( no Fustration ) was when Mr matt put us into 4 groups and then Mr matt gave us cards after he put us into groups then we had to make the most prettiest and the most highest tower out of cards . The people in my group were Angelica , Victoria , Florence  and Sulia and me . We had to make sure not to blow it . my group made a tower but it blew down . We also Talked about our new topic Perseverance and what it means . Perseverance means Never giving up . 

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Kiwi Can

This week for Kiwi can we have a new topic and it is Perservance . Perservance means never giving up . In kiwi can we played a game called Perservance . So basically there was 4 stations the first one was when you had to get into partners with someone and the you had to squad with that person like theres and chair right in front of you ( if you did n't have a partner you will then need to use the wall )  . The second station was to make the tallest tower with cards We didn't complete this but we did make a tower . The third station was to make up a word using the our topic Perservence The words we got were rance and others but I forgot . And for the last one we had a phrase made by our Kiwi can Teachers Miss lilly and Mr Matt and we had to come up with actions we did not go well but some of ours was really good .


This week we did something different from last week . We had to chose a book out of the Kakangora , a pice of paradise , The beginning or The sons of ma'aufu . I chose the Kakangora because it sounded easy and looked easy . This story was about the king of kakangora and whatever he gets is stolen to see what happens after go thru the google slide presentation and you can find more information and you can also find out what happens next . 

Tongan Language week .

This week was tong an language week for our Tongan language week we made an avatar . We did this with Learning space 2 ( LS 2 ) . This is my avatar . It had to be rather a Tongan girl or a Tongan boy . This is  mine  it is a Tongan girl . This was really hard for me but the decorating wads fun and easy . We did this by tracing a Tongan girl and then it came out like this . I also put a Tongan flag on my avatar. 

Multiplication and division .

This week for our must do maths we had to chose times tables to do and we had to write all of the timest ables down in our books them blog it . For my multiplication and division I did my six times tables . This was really hard for me but since we are doing 6x tables for Mr wongs groups I memorised some of the timestables from our maths groups . 

Basic facts .

This week for maths we are learning our basic facts to 5 and 10 . This was a little bit hard for me but some other ones were really easy for me . But before we did this in the previous weeks we had to practise our 4s , 5s 10s 7s and 6s tinestables we also had days where we had to practise our 10 number bonds . We also had to do addition with numbers and addition with 10 . We had to use our fingers with the numbers that were under 10 . I really liked this activaty because it tells me what I need to work on because on most of them i got them wrong but i fixed them all . 

LI: To practise your number bonds 5 to 10 

Traffic light Games

This week for inquiry we played we made a google slide with interesting images and they had something to do with traffic lights . On the games you had to control the city with the traffic lights so basically there will be a traffic light and the you will need to chose a colour weather Red , green or yellow . So the aim is for you to not crash all the other cars .
The videos at the bottom .
1st Game
2nd Game
3rd Game