Learning Intention \ LI :
To make notes using Chime bars & Pianos .
Yesterday we had music with Miss whea Odie .This week we played Chimebars and Pianos . The notes that we had to play was , F , A , C & G . While she was singing the song which would probabaly be " One Call Away " or "Shotgun " she would yell out the note that we had to play but before she sang she would tell us how many times to press the note . But at first we had to get into partners and you and the partner had to share a chimebar together but if you were on a piano you just had free time .
What Skill Did You Learn ?
The Skill That I Learned Was How To Make My Notes Sound Better Using A Chime Bar .
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Kiwi Can
LI : To include People
Today we had Kiwi can and we are starting to learn a new Topic which is Friends Ship .
Then we got a new catch Pharisee which is "We are Fiends on a ship put it together Friendship"Then we got straight into our energiser which was called The last man standing so basically how to play this game is their would be a tagger and that tagger had to tag anyone but when mr h says freeze then everybody would have to stop and the people that had gotten tagged had to go out of the game and then it will go on from their . Then we talked about Friendship , why its good to include people and what friendship is .Friendship is caring for people and friendship is someone that you can count on .
Then we played the secret cards which at first we had to make 5 straight lines and then that made a group and then we got given cards that had secrets on it then we had to point out weather they were good secrets or bad secrets .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned more ways on how to use Friendship .
Today we had Kiwi can and we are starting to learn a new Topic which is Friends Ship .
Then we got a new catch Pharisee which is "We are Fiends on a ship put it together Friendship"Then we got straight into our energiser which was called The last man standing so basically how to play this game is their would be a tagger and that tagger had to tag anyone but when mr h says freeze then everybody would have to stop and the people that had gotten tagged had to go out of the game and then it will go on from their . Then we talked about Friendship , why its good to include people and what friendship is .Friendship is caring for people and friendship is someone that you can count on .
Then we played the secret cards which at first we had to make 5 straight lines and then that made a group and then we got given cards that had secrets on it then we had to point out weather they were good secrets or bad secrets .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned more ways on how to use Friendship .
Including People,
Kiwi Can
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Kiwi Can
Learning Intention :
To show co operation in our energizers & Games
Yesterday which was the 3\20\2019 ls1 had kiwi can with our new kiwi can leaders which are Miss Mac & Mr H . At first we talked about what our phrase and our topic was . Our Topic for kiwi can is Co Operation and the theme that we have for kiwi can is Positive Relation ships . Then we also talked about what Co Operation is and how we could use it . I think that co operation is participating in a game or taking part in something . Then we got straight into our energizer which was called Guess the code . So basically we got split into to groups and those groups had to battle each other . So basically we made a line sitting down and and then our kiwi can leader \teacher layed Hula hoops on the floor and each of us had to step in a hula hoop and if mr h said ding then it would be the right hula hoop to step in but if he said wrong then we had to let the other person from the other group try . So it was basically trying to do the right code on a phone but it was using hula hoops instead .
What Information or skill did you Learn ?
The skill and the information that i learned was what co operation is and trying not to step in the wrong Hula hoop because that was part or our energizer .
To show co operation in our energizers & Games
Yesterday which was the 3\20\2019 ls1 had kiwi can with our new kiwi can leaders which are Miss Mac & Mr H . At first we talked about what our phrase and our topic was . Our Topic for kiwi can is Co Operation and the theme that we have for kiwi can is Positive Relation ships . Then we also talked about what Co Operation is and how we could use it . I think that co operation is participating in a game or taking part in something . Then we got straight into our energizer which was called Guess the code . So basically we got split into to groups and those groups had to battle each other . So basically we made a line sitting down and and then our kiwi can leader \teacher layed Hula hoops on the floor and each of us had to step in a hula hoop and if mr h said ding then it would be the right hula hoop to step in but if he said wrong then we had to let the other person from the other group try . So it was basically trying to do the right code on a phone but it was using hula hoops instead .
What Information or skill did you Learn ?
The skill and the information that i learned was what co operation is and trying not to step in the wrong Hula hoop because that was part or our energizer .
Co Operation,
Kiwi Can,
Positive relationships
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Key Words
LI: To unlock Keywords to summarise a text .
This week for reading we had to chose an article and then we had to high light all of the key words from that article and then put it on this google document . The article had to be chosen from either Kiwi Kids News or New Zealand Harold . The Article that I chose was from Kiwi Kids news and it was called Red Kiwi Fruit Being Tested . This article is about a kiwi Fruit about to be made in china it is called The Red kiwi Fruit .
Key words,
Summaries .
Place Value
LI:To shift between Place Values us Multiplication .
This week for math's we had to make a spreed sheet about Place value . This activity was made for Mr Wong's Math's Groups . At first we had to make an example on the spreed sheet about our place value.
How Did You Learn ? I Learned this by Making a speed sheet about Place Value .
Place Value
Friday, 15 March 2019
SSR Selfie
Today I did my SSR Selfie and I read this book called The Hate U Give . If you do not no what SSR Selfie Is it is a slide Presentation where Ls1 ( My classroom ) puts on book titles and then we write down on that slide presentation what the book is about .
SSR Selfie
Michael Hill
LI: To apply the Different Strategies We use as Readers .
This week for reading in Mr ogilvies Groups we had to make a DLO talking about what topic we chose . So Basically at first we got into groups and we chose what topic that we had wanted to do The topics were either Business , Music , Government and more . The Topic my Group chose was Business and the Business we chose was Michael Hill . The people in my group are Vayan , Spelman , Kruise , Me & Aliqwa .
Michael Hill,
Co Operative games
This week for Inquiry we had to Make Our Own Game . But at first Mr ogilvie Wrote down on the white board our Options of what we could use then He go one person from each group to stand up and he asked them questions but whoever got it right got to chose a material to use . The material that My Group had was egg and Spoon but we were also not aloud to make it as the same game that we had already played before .This was a Group activity and the people in my group were Jordan , Kruise , Me & Charlize .
Here Is what Our Game looks like and How you Play .
Here Is what Our Game looks like and How you Play .
Co Operative games,
Game making,
Thursday, 14 March 2019
To Build more interesting sentences .
This week for writing we are learning how to build our vocabulary by using Verbs , Adjectives , said , Emotions , M\ F , Said & Adverbs . At first we got into groups and chose what we wanted to do either Verbs , Adjectives , Emotions , M\F , said Or Adverbs but if we had more than six people in our group then one person had to do the same thing another person in your group, then those people would find other people that were doing the same thing and they would be one group . After that we had to combine all of our things together to make a list , the list had to be 500 Verbs or adverbs or what ever you chose .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned more interesting and non common verbs .
How Did You Learn ?
\I learned this by working in groups .
To Build more interesting sentences .
This week for writing we are learning how to build our vocabulary by using Verbs , Adjectives , said , Emotions , M\ F , Said & Adverbs . At first we got into groups and chose what we wanted to do either Verbs , Adjectives , Emotions , M\F , said Or Adverbs but if we had more than six people in our group then one person had to do the same thing another person in your group, then those people would find other people that were doing the same thing and they would be one group . After that we had to combine all of our things together to make a list , the list had to be 500 Verbs or adverbs or what ever you chose .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned more interesting and non common verbs .
How Did You Learn ?
\I learned this by working in groups .
Building Vocab,
How to write a Blog Post
LI: To Teach On How to Write A Blog Post .
This week for cyber smart we had to show how to make a blog post . But the blog post that we had to do had to do something about what we have been doing recently . The blog post that I showed on how to make was Music , Because yesterday we had a music Session with Miss whea odie ( Our Music Teacher) The Things That PBS Needs to include in their Blog post's are a (LI) Learning Intention , What Did You Learn ? , How did You Learn ? , What Did You use and The main Things were also a Title & Labels ( Preferably 2 or More )
Cyber smart,
How to write a Blog Post
Music With Miss Whea Odie
Learning Intention:
To Learn all the chords & notes on a Ukulele , Chime Bar & a Piano
Yesterday Which was 3\13\2019 LS1 And I had Music With Miss Whea Odie , We got to play either a chime bar or a Ukulele & Miss whea odie ( Our Music Teacher) chose the people that were aloud to go on the piano , But the people that were going on the piano had to be the people that had never played on the piano from these recent weeks that we had music . the Miss Whea Odie sent people outside that New all the chords that we have been learning which were C , F , G And A minor , she also gave us a sheet that Had the song "shot Gun" by George Ezra because that was the song that LS1 has been learning to play .
- What information or skill did you learn?
The Skill that I learned was how to Play the Chords on a ukulele , and the chords were C , F , G
And A minor . And the information that I learned was that every time you are trying to make a
song always use the chords .
And A minor . And the information that I learned was that every time you are trying to make a
song always use the chords .
- How did you learn the new information or skill?
- I learned this Skill by listening to Miss whea odie singing
- because while she was singing she was saying the Chords we
- had to do and showing how to do the chord .
- What tools did you use to learn the new information or skill?
- The Tools \ Things that I used to Learn this new Skill and this new information was a Ukulele
Chime bar,
Chords & Notes,
Piano Playing,
ukulele playing
Ki O Rahi
(LI) Learning Intention :
To Play The Proper Version Of Ki O Rahi
This week We had another session of Kiwi sport with our coach Chanice . Over these past Few weeks at Kiwi Sport We have been Learning The Taniwha Role and What Kioma Team Does but this week was different because we played the Actual Game of Ki O Rahi . At First Coach Chanice split us into 2 groups one group was Taniwha and the other Kioma . At first the Taniwha team had to choose 2 Kaitiaki To guard the ki \ Tupu And the taniwha Team had to Throw the ball and try get a goal , but if they didn't get a goal then the Kaitiaki would then get the ball and give it to someone in their team and they would have to catch the ball Touch the tupu with the ball and then go inside te ao to score a goal for their team . Then after this game we switched over so that the other team could do better.
What did You Learn ?
I Learned how to play the proper game of Ki O Rahi .
How Did You Learn ?
I Learned This by knowing the rules on how to play Ki O Rahi .
Ki o Rahi,
Kiwi Sport
Flip Grid Video
This week for math's we had to make a flip grid video Showing how many Tens & Hundreds are in a number , We got to choose what number to do . Here is my Flip Grid video .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned How to count how many Tens & Hundreds are in a big Number .
How Did You Learn ?
How Did You Learn ? I learned this by choosing a number and Figuring how much Hundreds And Tens their were in a number .
Learning Intention :
To count Groups of 10s and 100s Using a Big Number .
Flip Grid Video,
Tens & Hundreds
Inquiry With Constable Cyrus
A couple weeks ago Mr Wongs Groups were learning about KOS , which mean Keeping ourselves safe . At first we went into the PBS hall and then Constable Cyrus explained what Abuse mean't because some people get abused and we had to point out what were some safe things to do if you got abused .Then we played an activaty when he would say a problem and we had to go to an abuse sign that we thought that was the right one but we were not aloud to ask other people which one they thought was right and we also weren't aloud to copy others , we could only think it for ourselves . The types of Abuses were , Physical Abuse , Physical abuse is touching someone and abusing someone , Neglect , Neglect is when someone doesn't care if your hurt or abused , Emotional Abuse , emotion abuse is when someone is Hurting your feelings in a way , Cyber Abuse , Cyber abuse is when someone is doing rude things online , Family Violence , Family Violence is when a family member does something bad to another Family Member , Sexual Abuse , Sexual Abuse is when someone asks you to do something rude And lastly Not Abuse , Not Abuse is when someone is not harming you in any way .
What Does Abuse Mean ?
Abuse means harming someone in a way they do not want to be harmed .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned More things about abuse and things that I should do if I get abused .
How did You Learn ?
I learned This by Listening to Constable Cyrus Because He was explaining The types of Abuse and what abuse is .
What Does Abuse Mean ?
Abuse means harming someone in a way they do not want to be harmed .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned More things about abuse and things that I should do if I get abused .
How did You Learn ?
I learned This by Listening to Constable Cyrus Because He was explaining The types of Abuse and what abuse is .
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Kiwi Can
Today We had Kiwi Can . We had Kiwi Can with a new Kiwi Can Teacher \ Leader and her name was Mac. At first we talked about What we did last week and what we learned about last week . Then we got Straight into our energizer our energizer was called Opposite So basically how to play this game is one of our teachers would say something and we had to do the opposite . For an example if she said Look Up then we would have to look down because it was the opposite of up . Then We played a game but at first we had to make 4 lines inside room 7 ( Where we have our Kiwi Can Sessions ) and then miss Mac would tell us which corner to got to then every now and then we basically had challenges to do from Miss mac . So the order was 1 person from each group would got to miss mac and miss mac would tell that person what to do and that one person would go back to the Group and tell them what we had to do , But the first Group to finish would win and also got to chose someone from another group .
Then we talked about our New topic which was Co operation And what it means , How we could show it and why its important to use it .
What Did you Learn ? I Learned about How And Why Its Good to Use Co -operation .
How did You Learn ? I learned This by Listening to other people's ideas on what they Thought Co - Operation was .
LI: To Learn about Co - Operation .
Then we talked about our New topic which was Co operation And what it means , How we could show it and why its important to use it .
What Did you Learn ? I Learned about How And Why Its Good to Use Co -operation .
How did You Learn ? I learned This by Listening to other people's ideas on what they Thought Co - Operation was .
LI: To Learn about Co - Operation .
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Healthy Relationships | Bad Team Work & Good Team Work
This week we had inquiry and we are learning a mixture of different things .But at fist we had to get into small groups of 3 to do this activity. This activaty was how we have healthy relation ships at Home , School and in our community . The people in my group of three were Jordan & Charlize .We also did this other task and we had to get a body image and write down in red a bad thing that a team mate could have or do and had to write in black what a good team mate has and will do . Then on our last Task we had to make a T chart in order what a bad team will do and what a good team has . Their had to be 10 of each ( so basically their had to be 10 Bad things and 10 good things) . All of these tasks had to be with our group of 3 .

Healthy Relationships,
Reading Strategies

LI: To identify the different strategies we use as readers .
This week for reading Mr Ogilvies reading groups have been looking at all of the different reading strategies .But then we got into our reading groups and then we chose a reading strategy to do and we had to make a poster on what this strategie and and how we can use this Strategie . But at first we played a game of GKQ ( General Knowledge Question ) and whoever got the question right got to pick a reading strategy to do . The strategy's that my group chose were Activating Prior Knowlede and Self Monitoring . So basically how this order worked was some people in our group would all do the same people and the other people would all make the other poster together .
Learning Intention :
To try and play notes on a ukulele
Yesterday which was 6\3\2019 The year 6s had Music With Miss Whea odie . At frist we got the option to see either we wanted to play on a chime bar or a ukulele and Miss whea odie (our music teacher ) Chose people that wanted to play on the piano but the people that she had chose they were the people that had never played a piano in the recent weeks we have had music . Then once we got an instrument Miss whea odie Told us which chord & note to play on the ukulele because it was harder to play on a ukulele then a Chime bar . Then once we got the hang of playing the chord on a ukulele some people got to go outside with a sheet full of songs and they got to play them outside .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned How to play hard and easy chords on a Ukulele .
How Did you Learn ?
I learned this by Listening to Miss whea odie because she was telling how to play a ukulele and what chord to use .
To try and play notes on a ukulele
Yesterday which was 6\3\2019 The year 6s had Music With Miss Whea odie . At frist we got the option to see either we wanted to play on a chime bar or a ukulele and Miss whea odie (our music teacher ) Chose people that wanted to play on the piano but the people that she had chose they were the people that had never played a piano in the recent weeks we have had music . Then once we got an instrument Miss whea odie Told us which chord & note to play on the ukulele because it was harder to play on a ukulele then a Chime bar . Then once we got the hang of playing the chord on a ukulele some people got to go outside with a sheet full of songs and they got to play them outside .
What Did You Learn ?
I learned How to play hard and easy chords on a Ukulele .
How Did you Learn ?
I learned this by Listening to Miss whea odie because she was telling how to play a ukulele and what chord to use .
ukulele playing
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Telling The Time
Learning Intention :
To tell the time on an analogue Clock .
This week for maths in Mr wong's Groups we had to make a DLO on how to tell the time .We also explain what everything on a clock Mean't for an example the Long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the Hour hand . We also made these DLOs by using clock Face Generater . I think That this specific site helped me a lot because it give you an option to see which time you would like to see on a clock and it also Gives you an option to Zoom it closer to see it closer . i also Like this site because it can also help you improve your skills on how to tell the time on a clock . We also had to show on our poster what time we are showing and how we could prove that .But Before we made a DLO We sat Down on the mat and got into our maths groups Then we got given Clocks By Mr wong and he would tell us what time to do and we had to do that time on the clock .
What Did you Learn ?
I learned how to improve more of my clock Telling .
How Did you learn ?
I learned This by The help of the Clock Face Generater because I can see what Time it is on a clock .
To tell the time on an analogue Clock .
This week for maths in Mr wong's Groups we had to make a DLO on how to tell the time .We also explain what everything on a clock Mean't for an example the Long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the Hour hand . We also made these DLOs by using clock Face Generater . I think That this specific site helped me a lot because it give you an option to see which time you would like to see on a clock and it also Gives you an option to Zoom it closer to see it closer . i also Like this site because it can also help you improve your skills on how to tell the time on a clock . We also had to show on our poster what time we are showing and how we could prove that .But Before we made a DLO We sat Down on the mat and got into our maths groups Then we got given Clocks By Mr wong and he would tell us what time to do and we had to do that time on the clock .
What Did you Learn ?
I learned how to improve more of my clock Telling .
How Did you learn ?
I learned This by The help of the Clock Face Generater because I can see what Time it is on a clock .
How To write a Blog post
LI: To Make a blog post on how to write a blog post .
This week for cybersmart we had to show how to write a blog post. So How LS1 makes Blog post's is we have to include a What Did you Learn a How did you Learn a learning intention , We also have to make sure we have at least 2 Labels . You will also need to have an interesting title to catch a readers eye . For an example i am writing a Blog post about Christmas .
My title would probably be the christmas special because also every christmas we do the same thing . You see here I have included 1 thing which was the title ( Christmas Special ) And I also included Why My title would have to be a christmas special . Next Thing that you will have to include is How we have our christmas special normally we open our presents first and then do more interesting things afterwards . And with Just That Sentence it shows What I did . And then My labels would probably be A christmas special and the other label could be Time With family . And Now lastly The learning Intention My learning Intention is going to be Retelling My Christmas Telling .
And Right here is how I would write a blog post But I might just use more detail but here is how you could normally want to write a blog post about something you did .
This week for cybersmart we had to show how to write a blog post. So How LS1 makes Blog post's is we have to include a What Did you Learn a How did you Learn a learning intention , We also have to make sure we have at least 2 Labels . You will also need to have an interesting title to catch a readers eye . For an example i am writing a Blog post about Christmas .
My title would probably be the christmas special because also every christmas we do the same thing . You see here I have included 1 thing which was the title ( Christmas Special ) And I also included Why My title would have to be a christmas special . Next Thing that you will have to include is How we have our christmas special normally we open our presents first and then do more interesting things afterwards . And with Just That Sentence it shows What I did . And then My labels would probably be A christmas special and the other label could be Time With family . And Now lastly The learning Intention My learning Intention is going to be Retelling My Christmas Telling .
And Right here is how I would write a blog post But I might just use more detail but here is how you could normally want to write a blog post about something you did .
Cybersmart .,
How to write a Blog Post
Kiwi Can
Today which is the 3\6\2019 we had Kiwi can With Miss paige &Mr alapati . At first we talked about our theme and our Topic which are Positive Relation ships and Positive Communications . Then we got straight into our energiser , our energiser was caled Rock Papper scissors Shoot . So Basically how to play this game is you will have to find a partner to play papper scisors rock with and whoever loses will have to turn around and touch the ground and then the winner will have to run away from the loser until the loser tags the winner . Then we went back inside room seven ( where we have our Kiwi can sessions) and we talked about what the word praise could mean almost no one new but the kiwi can Teachers told us , Praise means showing someone respect or giving an award to someone .
Then We played a game which was called Kick the ball so basically we got divided in 2 groups and one group was the attacking team . So theiwas a ball and one person had to kick the ball and then the other team would have to get the ball and tag the person running with the ball .
Learning Intention :
To Learn how to Praise .
Why Do we Play These Games ?
I Think we Play these games to see if some people have a good attitude towards our kiwi Can Teachers .
Then We played a game which was called Kick the ball so basically we got divided in 2 groups and one group was the attacking team . So theiwas a ball and one person had to kick the ball and then the other team would have to get the ball and tag the person running with the ball .
Learning Intention :
To Learn how to Praise .
Why Do we Play These Games ?
I Think we Play these games to see if some people have a good attitude towards our kiwi Can Teachers .
Friday, 1 March 2019
Types Of Touch
How to make a poster explaining Types of Touches
This week For inquiry we had to remember about the things we have been learning about these recent weeks . We also had to get into groups but they were the same groups we had last week . The people that were in my group were shinaye & Bella and together we made a poster explaing what Types of Touch were .
What Did you Learn ?
I learned about some of the types that hurt for some people and some of the types that people like and lastly some of the types people find confusing .
How to make a poster explaining Types of Touches
This week For inquiry we had to remember about the things we have been learning about these recent weeks . We also had to get into groups but they were the same groups we had last week . The people that were in my group were shinaye & Bella and together we made a poster explaing what Types of Touch were .
What Did you Learn ?
I learned about some of the types that hurt for some people and some of the types that people like and lastly some of the types people find confusing .
Types of touch
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