Today Ls1 had to make an author study about Dr Seuss . At first Mr Wong read my class a book that we voted on reading . The book that our teacher read was green eggs and ham . After that he explained things to us and then we had to go to the class site and make a copy of this template and atribute images , and also answer the questions that were already on the template that Mr Wong made . Most of the questions were like when and where he was born and questions like that . If you would like to find out more of the questions that I answered you can look at the DLO That I have made . My question is " Why do you think Theador seuss Made books ? If you have read a book made by Dr Seusss what was it . some of his books are Green eggs and ham , horton hears a who , The lorax , The cat in the had , One FIsh Two fish Red fish Blue fish ,Ohh the places you'll go and many more because Theador seuss made over 70 books . If you have a favourite book wtiter or journal write who would it be ? Mine is Theador seuss.
LI: To learn about Dr Seuss .
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