
Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Beast Creation

Today we are continuing for to the summer Learning Journey . And the activatys that are provided and the storys . The activity that I did was the beast Creation how we had to make a beast digitatally using different creation from another animal . Anyway the question is what does this animal \ best look like smell like and sound like , My animal sounds like a silent but loud roar and my animal smells like feces and my animal looks like a lion \ an undespicable creater \ beast .I hope you like my Beast that i created digitall and if you have not registered for the Summer Learning Jouney make sure to because They have really gret prizes that you could win by doing the activatys daily and once you think you have done all the activatys email the Summer Learning Jouney Team to win prizes becuase the more activatys you do then the more points you will get and then at the end of the day you might get a prize from the summer Learning Journey Leaders . 

LI: To make a beast using different animal shapes .

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Liane, it's Billy here from the Summer Learning Journey programme.

    Well done on creating such a cool diagram to illustrate where your Fantastic Beast has taken it's features from. You've done a terrific job using pictures to describe the way it looks, as well as arrows and labels to describe how it has been formed.

    It seems like an unstoppable beast. The fact that it can fly and attack like a lion. I surely wouldn't want to come across it out in the wild!

    What does it eat?

    Are there any predators that try to attack it?

    Thanks and I can't wait to find out more.

