Today I decided to comment on Sulia's Blog Post , her
blog post was about tongue Twisters .
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 12 April 2019
Basic Facts Boxes

This week I did Basic facts boxes This was made by my teacher Mr wong this was used for maths .This basically has addition and division questions and if you get it right then it will correct you and if you get it wrong then under nether of the number will say wrong and thats my favourite thing about using Basic Facts Boxes . This was not hard but this was not easy for me .
Basic facts boxes,
We were learning about Hauora. Hauora has 4 dimensions. Those 4 are Physical, Social, Spiritual, and Mental. Physical is when you look after your body, and look at what substances you put in your body. Social is when you go out and talk to people, sharing ideas and opinions. Spiritual is you morals, values, your beliefs, and your self-worth. Mental is someone who is always positive and bright.
For our Must Do we had to make a Poster, Animation, Movie, and Skit on one of the 4 dimensions of Hauora. So for our poster we were focusing on Social Well Being. On our animation we were focusing on Mental/Emotional Well Being. For our movie we were focusing on Physical Well Being. Lastly for our skit we were focusing on Spiritual Well Being.
Mental & Emotional,
Thursday, 11 April 2019
To Show respect towards our visitors .
Today LS1 Had a duffy assembly and we had a special guest and his name was Robbie Rakete he was in the wiggles and he stared in the song dancing with the stars he was also on the breeze fm . He talked about how it was good to read , but at first we sang the duffy song . Then he asked PBS What was there favourite books to read , some of the answers were Captain Underpants and others said different ones .
Why Did You Have A Duffy Assembly ?
I Think That we had a duffy assembly to remember to read books on the weekends .

To Show respect towards our visitors .
Today LS1 Had a duffy assembly and we had a special guest and his name was Robbie Rakete he was in the wiggles and he stared in the song dancing with the stars he was also on the breeze fm . He talked about how it was good to read , but at first we sang the duffy song . Then he asked PBS What was there favourite books to read , some of the answers were Captain Underpants and others said different ones .
Why Did You Have A Duffy Assembly ?
I Think That we had a duffy assembly to remember to read books on the weekends .

Duffy Assembly
LI: To Make Chords, Notes And Music using Ukeles , Pianos & Chimrbars .
Yesterday Ls1 Group B Had our last music session with miss whea odie ( Our Music Teacher ) .Yesterday we got a chance to play Chimebars , Ukeleles and Pianos , I chose to play a ukulele and a chime bar . At first a group of people went outside to play ukeleles and then that group of people had to switch with someone else to go on something else .
Music with Miss Whea Odie
Imaginative Recount
To Write and Imaginative recount .
This week Mr Ogilvie's Groups had another session of writing and we had to make a Imaginative recount retelling the story Little Red Riding Hood . But at first we had to find a partner to retelle the story with my partner was Lukah & Texas , we made a group of 3 because Texas Missed out on the work we were doing .
What Skill or Information Did You Learn ?
The Skill That I Learned Was How To Retell Little Red Ridding Hood And The Other Skill That I Learned was how to tell the wolfs perspective .
What Did You Learn ?
I Learned how to retell the story Little Red Ridding Hood .
Little red Ridding Hood,
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Term 1 Kiwi Can Overview
At first we made 3 groups . Each Group talked about the 5 W's & the H for one module . After we talked as a group each group shared their work with the class .
LI \ Learning Intention:
To Recap everything we did in Kiwi Can .
Why Did You Play These Games ?
I Think That We played These games to get a better understanding of positive relationships and friendship , I also think that we play these games to see if friendship and positive relationships is showen in these games \ energizers .
1 Thing I Enjoyed in Kiwi Can This Term :
The thing that I enjoyed this term in Kiwi is learning new topics and themes and the other thing that I enjoyed was the energizers and games we had played .
1 Thing I learned This Term in Kiwi Can :
The One thing that i learned this term was more about friendship and Positive relationships .
1 Thing I Need To Get Better At
1 Thing That I need to Get Better at , I think is my respect towards the Kiwi Can Leaders \ Teachers .
Kiwi Can,
Positive communication
Tuesday, 9 April 2019

LI\Learning Intention ;
To Learn something about the class or our school using Statistics .
This week we had another session of maths for Mr wongs Groups and thru the last few weeks we
have been learning about statistics and also have been learning about is how to make data . At first to make our data ls1 went around ls1 and asked room 5 what were there favourite places to sit were , but before that we had to split our school into zones from 1 to 5 or from 5 to 10 zones . Then Today We presented our work to the class to see where is the most popular place to sit and rest in school.
What Information Or Skill Did You Learn ?
The Skill That i learned was how to present my work and my graph to half of LS1 .
How did You Learn This ?
I Learned this by trying to be confident while i was presenting my work .
Learning Intention : To unlock Keywords and summarize a text .
Learning Intention :To Skim And Scam To find Keywords
Learning Intention : To Research a range of resources to find Information.
This week we had another session of reading and we had to make inforgraphic about the article \character that we got to chose . Mr Ogilvies reading groups used Canva To make our inforgraphics and we also used this Anzac site to find facts and information about the information that was chosen .
The story that i learned about was called The plan of the memorial oaks and this story talks about how in Oamaru there are oak trees that are used to be made for memorials
The story that i learned about was called The plan of the memorial oaks and this story talks about how in Oamaru there are oak trees that are used to be made for memorials
What Skill Or Information Did You Learn ?
The skill that i learned was how to make an inforgraphic .
How did you learn This ?
I learned this by making an inforgraphic by using Canva .
Friday, 5 April 2019
This week we had another session of inquiry , For Mr Ogilvies groups we are learning about the 4 walls of Haoura . At first we had to get into a group of 4 but my group had gotten into a group of 5 beause 1 person missed out on the learning that we did but the people inside of my group are Marcayla , Afatia , Aliqwa & Shinaye . Once we got into our groups we watched a video that talked about all the 4 walls of haoura and what they are and how they could be used the example on the video was a car , see normally a car has 4 wheels but if on of those legs break or one of those wheels get flat then the car will no longer work .
After we watched the videos we had to think of something that had 4 legs or 4 wheels on it and we had to recreate this image down here .

We had to make this as a group and the object that we had used was a table because some tables normally had 4 legs on it , Here is our group one that me and my group had made .
After we watched the videos we had to think of something that had 4 legs or 4 wheels on it and we had to recreate this image down here .

We had to make this as a group and the object that we had used was a table because some tables normally had 4 legs on it , Here is our group one that me and my group had made .

Hauora Physical,
Mental & Emotional,
Imaginitive Recount

LI:To Write An Imaginitive Recount Retelling The Story Called Little Red Ridding Hood .
This week ls1 had another session of writting for mr ogilvies writting groups . We had to retell the story little red riding hood but it had to be different from the original story . We had to retell the story in groups \ partners and we had to use TREE , which means , Title , Reveal , Events & Ending . The people in my group were Texas & Lukah We were a group of 3 .
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Kiwi Can
Today Ls1 \ Year 6s had kiwi can with our kiwi can teachers , which are Mr h And Miss Mack .
We were learning about how to include people ,why its good to include people How to say no to things & what friendship is. I think that friendship is someone that will always care for you no matter what . I also think that its good to include people so that everyone can try new things but some times it bad to include people because they might not play properly they might cheat and if you tell them to go they might do the same thing to someone else's game . After we talked about all of that we had gotten straight into our energizer which was called word association , so basically how to play this is there would be a ball and your would have to play this with a group of people and then someone would start off with a word holding the ball and then that person would have to say the first thing that had came to their mind .For an example if someone said hen and they were holding the ball then that person would have to pass the ball on and say the name of the person that they were giving the ball to and then that person only had 3 second to say what had came their head .
Kiwi Can,
Positive relationships
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Where Is The Most Popular Place People Like To Sit .
This week Mr Wongs groups had maths and we had to make data showing which place students in PBS Like to sit . We had to make this activity in our math's groups . The people in my group were Leroy , Vayan , Xaivier ,Spellman And Farzanna .
What Skills or Information did you learn ?
I learned more places people like to sit at Panmure Bridge School .
What Did you Learn ?
I learned about more places Panmure Bridge Students like to sit .
LI \ Learning Intention :
To write statements based on data .
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