Today I did SSR selfie using the slides that was made by our teachers Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie . If you do not no what me and my class do on this class well we make slides and we write about books that we have read before . This google slide has over 200 slides . This really helps me because I can look at other peoples SSR selfie and i could no more books . For my SSR selfie The book that I used was The BFG also known as The Big Friendly Giant . If you have not read this book before you can look at the pick which is here By The way This is my SSR Selfie . Today I did SSR selfie using the slides that was made by our teachers Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie . If you do not no what me and my class do on this class well we make slides and we write about books that we have read before . This google slide has over 200 slides . This really helps me because I can look at other peoples SSR selfie and i could no more books . For my SSR selfie The book that I used was The BFG also known as The Big Friendly Giant . If you have not read this book before you can look at the pick which is here By The way This is my SSR Selfie .

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