
Friday, 31 May 2019


Today i did commenting and i comented on jordans blogpost , i commented on his because he always gets his work done first . the blog post that he made was with only one sentence i think that he needs to get use to writing longer sentences maybe even paragraphs .

Basic Facts Boxes

This week I did Basic facts boxes This was made by my teacher Mr wong this was used for maths .This basically has addition and division questions and if you get it right then it will correct you and if you get it wrong then  under nether of the number will say wrong and thats my favourite thing about using Basic Facts Boxes . This was not hard but this was not easy for me . 

SSR Selfie

Today I did SSR selfie using the slides that was made by our teachers Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie . If you do not no what me and my class do on this class well we make slides and we write about books that we have read before . This google slide has over 200 slides . This really helps me because I can look at other peoples SSR selfie and i could no more books . For my SSR selfie The book that I used was The BFG also known as The Big Friendly Giant . If you have not read this book before you can look at the pick which is here By The way This is my SSR Selfie .