I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Beast Creation
Today we are continuing for to the summer Learning Journey . And the activatys that are provided and the storys . The activity that I did was the beast Creation how we had to make a beast digitatally using different creation from another animal . Anyway the question is what does this animal \ best look like smell like and sound like , My animal sounds like a silent but loud roar and my animal smells like feces and my animal looks like a lion \ an undespicable creater \ beast .I hope you like my Beast that i created digitall and if you have not registered for the Summer Learning Jouney make sure to because They have really gret prizes that you could win by doing the activatys daily and once you think you have done all the activatys email the Summer Learning Jouney Team to win prizes becuase the more activatys you do then the more points you will get and then at the end of the day you might get a prize from the summer Learning Journey Leaders .
LI: To make a beast using different animal shapes .
Beast Creation,
Summer Learning Journey,
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Cactus Problem

Today for my summer Learning Journey I have to pretend that I have a cactus and i have to put water in it i have to use 3 mls of water to keep it alive and i forget to water it for a whole year how much water did I forget to use in the cacti ? I am not sure what is the answer but it think that it will be close to 1000mls to use inside of the cactus . Anyway if you have not registered for the summer Learning Journey Make sure to because you can win a-lot of fun prizes and they have different activates every year .
Summer Learning Journey .
Click here to register.
Summer Learning Journey
Winnie Mandela | Inquiry | Activist
For the past few weeks we have been learning about activists , we had to make a DLO about this activist in groups of 2 \ 3 I made a group of 3 with Alice & bella , together we made our DLO about winnie mandela the activist that we chose . We had to talk about the philosiphy and talk about her biography inside of the DLO That we had made . At first we got numbered off from 1 to 19 we got a couple of weeks to finish this and this week we have been presentong our work to the class and showing our DLO That we made .We also had a question that our class had to vote on and see if they get it right and each of us had to say something different about our activist and we had to present this into our whole class . The number that I got was 11th . We also had to talk about what she did in her years alive \ active . If you do not know who Winnie mandela is well she is Nelson mandelas wife and she died on the april the 2nd of 2018 and she is a south African Leader . If you would like to see my Presentation you are welcome to .
LI: To make a google slide presentation talking about your peaceful or not peaceful activist .
activist .,
Peaceful activist,
Winnie Mandela
Fabulous ferns .
On my blogpost I have to name 3 sports teams that have the word fern in it becuase I am doing a SLJ activaty .
Here are the sports teams I have Black Ferns , Silver fenrns and futsal ferns . I also have to show the uniform and tell you which ones are my favourite becuase it is a part of the SLJ activaty as well . Most of these just show the t - shirts because most of the teams where shorts and then where the top . I could not find an image of the uniform but i did find people wearing it so hopefully that helps .
If you have not registered for the summer learning Journey make sure to becuase you can win alot of fun prizes if you do the activatys they earn points and the more points you get then you will get a prize given to you .
SLJ \ Summer learning Journey
Click here to Register .,

Here are the sports teams I have Black Ferns , Silver fenrns and futsal ferns . I also have to show the uniform and tell you which ones are my favourite becuase it is a part of the SLJ activaty as well . Most of these just show the t - shirts because most of the teams where shorts and then where the top . I could not find an image of the uniform but i did find people wearing it so hopefully that helps .
If you have not registered for the summer learning Journey make sure to becuase you can win alot of fun prizes if you do the activatys they earn points and the more points you get then you will get a prize given to you .
SLJ \ Summer learning Journey
Click here to Register .,

Fabulous ferns,
Monday, 17 December 2018
Hometown | SLJ North & South
For this Activaty from the Summer Learning Journey I have to discribe my Hometown .
Everyone reading this make sure to register to win prizes and to do fun activatys . By the way to get prizes you will have to register first and then do all the activates and all the activatys that you do are worth points so the more activatys you do the more points you get and at the end the person with the most points will get a prize normally the prize comes with a certificate so that you can remember the Summer Learning Journey people and so that you can remember to register for the summer learning journey every yes any way Lets Talk about my Hometown .
My Hometown My Hometown has alot of houses and tress around it .
My hometown is really quiet and there is mostly no fighting or no yelling across the streets . There is also alot of cars that come around and vist my house or my neighbours house . There is also nature in my Hometown .
Click here to register if haven't
Click here for storie \ activaty
Summer Learning Journey
Forest Life
This week we are going to be doing the Summer Learning Jouney to get smarter and to win fun prizes . If you have not registered for the Sumer learning journey make sure to because their are a bunch of new activates comming every year this is a fun thing to do over the holidays to get smarter and learn more . anyway I have been doing the Summer Learning Journey and reading some of the stories but The question is if I would like to go and visit Tane Mahuta if yes why and if not why . I would actually like to see Tane Mahuta becuase it could be cool meeting someone that other people believe in or look up to .
Click Here to registere if have'nt
Storie - Forest Life
Forest Life,
Summer Learning Journey,
Ice Ice Baby

We have registered for the Summer Learning Journey This week and have been trying out some of the activaty and have been reading some of the stories . Here is the activaty that I finished 3 minutes ago . I had to tell an explanation about how to make a digital foot . This is my best try on how I can make my foot . If you have not registered for the Summer Learning Journey make sure to because you can get way smarter learn more things and can win some awsome \ great prizes . If you wanna no how to win prizes you just have to do as many Summer Learning Journey activatys and th activatys will cause point the more points you have then you will get a prize that has a bunch of fun things in it.
Ice Ice Baby,
Summer Learning Journey,
In the Begining | Summer Learning Journey | Activaty |
The week for term 4 we have registered to do the summer learning journey , Because you can get smarter by doing the activatys in the summer learning Journey and you can get alot of prizes . At first you will have to register by clicking lets go at the bottom and then you will be in to win prizes or you can get smarter . This also has a lot of stories that have happened . The first storie that I have read is called In The Begining . It is about Maui the Demigod and it talks about how he made it and it talks about how his magical hook caught a fish the fish had alot of names that people called him one was , Te ika a Maui .
My favourite facts
New Zealand Was once governed as a part of the territory of New south wales and later a part of Australia .
New Zealanders are also called kiwi but kiwi is not a fruit . It is New Zealands Native Flightless Bird
Queen Elizabeth is now offically queen of New Zealand , Represented in the country by a govenour General .
And the official language is English and Maori .

My favourite facts
New Zealand Was once governed as a part of the territory of New south wales and later a part of Australia .
New Zealanders are also called kiwi but kiwi is not a fruit . It is New Zealands Native Flightless Bird
Queen Elizabeth is now offically queen of New Zealand , Represented in the country by a govenour General .
And the official language is English and Maori .

In the Begining,
Summer Learning Journey
Friday, 14 December 2018
This week for writting we had to write a narrative using our nine tenses that we have been learning about the last few weeks . My narrative was about a journalist called john and he finds a secret city that he was born in , Do you think he could remember if something good or bad happened inside of the city ? The name of the city is called devil city . I got the idea of this narrative buy using the schoolastic story starters . This was really helpful for me to find an idea of what to do and this also lets you write a fake passport , post card , newpapper and more to get an idea of what to write about
LI: To use correct tenses in writting .
Narrative .,
Subtraction up to 100

This week for maths we had to do subtraction to 100 for mr wongs maths group using the basic facts boxes . This had to be made inderpenditly . We also had to do this by using our place value houses to try and get the right answer . After we got the hang of doing it we also had to write down some of the takeaways in our books and try to solve them using our books . We used the place value house trying to solve these takaways because we have been using place value houses the past few weeks .
LI: To subract by using place value addition and place value house .
Subtraction up to 100
Idioms | Reading
This week for reading we are learning about idioms .
We also learned about what idioms are . Idioms are phrases or expresses .
For this week had to find idioms from these lists and from books or articles .
If they were from the list that Mr wong gave then that would be 2 points and if the
idiom was from a book then you would get 1 point . This was a group activaty so the people inside of my group are Hosea , Villiami and Leroy we were a group of 4 . We also had to write the idiom on the title and write how much points . Click the link to see the list of idioms .
List 1
List 2
LI: To learn a whole bunch of new idioms .
Group tasks,
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
This week for maori Miss whea odie shared us a google doc and we had to find out where it was from and the inglish name of it . At first she put on some christmas songs and we had to try and guess the song im english my seeing in the tune was recodnisable . Some of the songs that she played were jingle bell rock , Santa claus is comming to town , Rupolph the red nose raindeeer etc then we started doing the google doc that miss whea odie sent to us using her device . Once she sent it to us we started finding were that place was from and started finding the english name . This is not the whole list but I could not fin ish all of it so this is some that i finished and the ones I got right .

Miss Whea odie .
Kiwi Can
Today it was our last day for kiwican . At first we had to line up in room 7 in four lines . Then we went over what we had been talking about in the past terms . Some of remembered the catchphrases and the topics \ Themes we learned about . One of the Topics were Respect , that means caring for people the way that they want to be treated . Then we tryed remembering all of our catchphrases we did'nt remember themall becuase they were from a lot of terms ago so Mrs Peho and Mrs Page teached us all of them .
After that we got straight into our energiser that we chose the energisers we chose were octupus , invisable tag and 10 secound tag . At first we chose taggers for ten secound tag and then the tagger had 5 \ 10 secounds to tag as much as people that the tagger could tag . Then we played invisabe tag and it was girls vs boys so basically we had to run around the pole and whoever had the invisable ball had to go and try to go to the boys side .
LI: To Show respect our Kiwi can teachers and what they have to say .
After that we got straight into our energiser that we chose the energisers we chose were octupus , invisable tag and 10 secound tag . At first we chose taggers for ten secound tag and then the tagger had 5 \ 10 secounds to tag as much as people that the tagger could tag . Then we played invisabe tag and it was girls vs boys so basically we had to run around the pole and whoever had the invisable ball had to go and try to go to the boys side .
LI: To Show respect our Kiwi can teachers and what they have to say .
Friday, 7 December 2018
BAsic Facts Boxes .

This week I did Basic facts boxes This was made by my teacher Mr wong this was used for maths .This basically has addition and division questions and if you get it right then it will correct you and if you get it wrong then under nether of the number will say wrong and thats my favourite thing about using Basic Facts Boxes . This was not hard but this was not easy for me .
SSR Selfie
This week we did SSR selfie and on the ssr selfie we have to upload a photo of a book and talk about what the book is about . The book i used was ABC With Honora lee . This book is mostly just talks about bees and why ABC Is important to know if you would like to know what the book is about you can read it .It also shows pictures on what letters and words look like .
ABC WIth honora lee.,
SSR Selfie,
Steam Punk Art

This week we learnt about steam punk art with LS2 We had tomake a design ok something using mechanical things with our design . Here is my design that I made .
Steampunk art
Perfect Tenses
LI: To identify Verb Tenses .
What Did You Learn ? I learned how to Tell what Present perfect , Future Oerfect and what Past perfect Meant .
How Did You Learn ? I learned this by Working together with the people inside of my group and I also learned this by using digital things .
This week for writting we are learning about perfect tenses . We had to do the same thing we did last week but we used perfect tenses instead of verb tenses . We had tomake this DLO In partners i was a group of three because someone missed out on doing perfect tenses so that person wanted to be in my group so she came in my group .
But anyway The people inside of my group are Angelica , Me & Alice .
At first we had to find 20 new verbs that were different from last week To see all the verbs that I used look at my DLO That I created with Alice & Angelica . We only had to make 7 videos to go with the verb . We also had to inflect all of the verbs into 3 tenses what we have already learned .
Present Perfect : Present perfect uses the have been inside of a verb , tense or a sentence .
Future Perfect : Future perfect uses Wil have inside of a verb , tense or a sentence .
And Past Perfect uses had been inside of a verb , tense or a sentence .
Perfect Tenses,
Verb Words .,
Inquiry | Biography
LI: To find information about your chosen activist .
This week for inquiry we had to find a peaceful activist and find research about this activist . This was made with partners or made with a group of 3 I made a group of 3 and the people inside of my group are Alice . Bella & me . We found an activist and it was Winnie mandela . We had to find research and information . Winnie mandela is a activist , she fights for the african rights and law . She also died in 2018 april the 2nd . We also put almost all of our research on a google doc that me & my group made it had all the biograpgy that we could find .
Winnie mandela was also married to nelson mandela but they got a divourse in 1996 .
We also made a DLO With information on it as well make sure to present it to play the little
quiz on it and you can see if your wrong or right .
We also atributed an image on our google slide .
Research\ Information
Blog post - Checking

This week for cybersmart we had to go back to our old blog posts that we did and we had to make sure that we had everything we needed and everything we didn't need in our blogpost . We had to also take a screenshot of the blurb and then we had to check it . This blurb that i used was fro reading about my inferring .
Blog - post checking .,
Find , Draw , Animate & Act
LI: To learn a whole bunch of new words .
This week for reading we had to make a Find draw animate act using words \ verbs , nouns ,adjectives and adverbs , we also had to find out which slide to put it on for an example if we had found a verb that we didn't no the meaning to then we had to find the meaning and chose which slide to put it on the best slide it could have gone on was animation or act .
We had to make these in groups of 3 , The people inside of my group are Sulia & Charlize but the twist to this is that we had to be in different reading groups and we were so then we made a group .
Here is where me and my group found all the words .
Word - List 1
Word _ List 2
Find draw animate and act .,
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Boxing | Kiwi Sport
Today we had our last week on boxing with pax our boxing teacher .
This week it was more of like a normal boxing session but it was inside of the class instead of inside of the hall . At first we had to get into new partners or the partners we had last week with pax , I got a new partner and it was Miiana and we practised our boxing skills together . The first one we did as a worm up was jab , jab cross , role and then left hook . After all of that we had session we put all the punches together .
LI: To get better doing boxing and learning boxing skills .
Kiwi Sport
Nga Taone o Te Ika a Maui | Maori

This week for maori we got givvn an activavity to do from whea odie our Maori teacher . The activaty was when we got given a list and the list was on the right hand side and then their were words at the bottom of the google docs and we had to find the meanings of them here are all of the meanings of the words . For an example if the word was Te aroha on the right hand side the word The love would be te aroha . After we tryed it we got called to the mat from miss whea odie and she told us the answers to the activaty i am not sure how much i got wrong and how much i got right.
Nga Taone o Te Ika a Maui
Monday, 3 December 2018
Place value Worth

This week for maths we are learning about place value . at first we had to finish this activity which was made digitally and made individually so we were no aloud to be in partners with people .
What did you learn ?I learned how to used a place value house digitally using my thousands, Hundreds tens and on ones .
How did you learn ? I learned this by counting all the numbers that Miss morrisin put on the board and putting them into the right colunm . This was also was used to be a place value abacus not a slovonic abacus .
LI: LI: to identify the values of individual numerals.
Place value worth
Friday, 30 November 2018
Inferrring Thoughts and Emotions
LI: to infer thoughts and emotions
This week for reading Mr Wongs groups are learning about inferring and what inferring is . I think that inferring is reading between the lines or thinking about what another character would be feeling . For this DLO we had to infer using the short movie \ film called For The Birds . We also had to stop the video and show inside the DLO where we stopped the video at and we had to infer on that part of the video that was stopped .We also had to infer and also show the evidence . we had to make an inference as a group but instead of sharing it to the whole group we had to make separate ones but have all the same inferences for the 1st ones the 2nd , 3rd 4rth slides are the slides that we did together so we did those with every group and on the 5th slide it is the slide that was the inference made with our individual groups . And then the rest of the slides are the slides that i Have inferred on my own . ( by the way PJ stands for Percy Jackson that is the reading group that I am in ) If you would like to look at our LS1 school site here it is school site .
What is Peace? | Inquiry
This week for inquiry we are learning about peace . This was a group activaty I made a group of 5 and the people inside of my group are Alice , Sandra , Ellenora , Bella and me . At first On Tuesday Mr Ogilvie gave out 3 coloured pens black , green and pink and on that papper we had to write down synoyns and antoynyms onto tthe piece of papper . After we did that we had to split our goup into group of 3 \ 2 s , I made a group of three with Bella and Alice . We worked on our What is peace slide . So basically what we did was their was photos on the slide and we had to use 3 words to discribe what was happening inside the photo . Then we had to make sentences out of them after that We made posters explaining what we thought peace is , If you would like to see my groups posters skip the slides and go to 10 ,11 and 12 .
LI: To explore some definitions of peace.
What is Peace?
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Kiwi Sport
This week for kiwi sport with pax we practised our boxing skills then we did our counter force which is basically with a partner my partner is Alice and one person had noodles and the other had gloves and both boxing gloves . at first to get us into the mood for boxing we played 5 taggers I think thats what its called and there was basically 5 taggers in the game and you could only tag another person by using noodles and the tagger had to tag you under your waist if the tagger got it above your waist the tagger had to do one burpy and if the other person gets tagged then the person had to do 3 burpys and then they were aloud to get back into the game .
LI: To Identify Verb Tenses .
This week for writting we are learning about continuous past ,simple past tense and continuous future tense. To make this DLO we had to get into partners with someone that is not in your group the person that i was with is Chris & Moijtaba . we done the same must do last week but we had to have different partners and different verbs\Tenses . We also had to make a video or a picture .but this time we made 7 videos instead of 20 because we had 20 verbs . ( We made this using google slides )
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
This week for maori with Miss Whea Odie she made a list of words written in maori, we also had to try and say a whole sentence said and written in maori . We also got sent a list of words written in maori we also had to make sure that the words on the left hand side were spelled right and on the right hand side had to have the real meaning of the word .

Kiwi Can
This week for kiwi can we have learned a new theme and our theme is caring for our enviourment at first we had to talk about how we could care for our enviourment , I think that we could care for our enviourment by picking up rubbish ( showing Respect ) And trying not to drop rubbish ( littering ) . Then we got straihgt into the energiser . The energiser that we played was called snake . So basically there was a tagger and that tagger had to lay on his\her stumach and crawl around tagging people around the tagger and whoever got tagged had to become a snake as well . Then we played our other energiser and it was called tic tac toe \ knots and crosses whatever you wanted to call it but we played it with chairs and we had to get into groups of 5s but 1 group was in a group of 6 and then we had to name our group the name of our group was IDK once we got into groups Mr matt put chairs on the floor so that we could sit on then and we had to verse other groups . And we also had to make an X or and O with our hand .

caring for enviourment,
Kiwi Can,
Showing Respect
Safe online Quiz
This week for cybersmart we are learning about safety skills and what to do to protect our safety . We also had to make a safe online quiz using google form which is provided from your google drive . Also make sure to take a look and answer my quiz and also see if you got some of the questions right. We also played a game called Safe online surfing , it basically asks you questions about safe surfing ( safe looking for information) and it will basically have a survey if you get it right you rather get points or you play faster or you dodge hard things like turtles or big rocks .
LI: To recall how to surf the internet safely .
LI: To recall how to surf the internet safely .
Safe online Quiz
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Basic Facts Boxes

This week I did Basic facts boxes This was made by my teacher Mr wong this was used for maths .This basically has addition and division questions and if you get it right then it will correct yoiu and if you get it wrong then undernether of the number will say wrong and thats my favourite thing about using Basic Facts Boxes . This was ot hard but this was not easy for me .
Basic facts boxes,
SSR Selfie
This week we did SSR selfie and on the ssr selfie we have to upload a photo of a book and talk about what the book is about . The book i used was ABC With Honora lee . This book is mostly just talks about bees and why ABC Is important to know if you would like to know what the book is about you can read it .It also shows pictures on what letters and words look like .
SSR Selfie
Inferring Thoughts and Emotions
LI: to infer thoughts and emotions
This week for reading Mr Wongs groups are learning about inferring and what inferring is . I think that inferring is reading between the lines or thinking about what another character would be feeling . For this DLO we had to infer using the short movie \ film called For The Birds . We also had to stop the video and show inside the DLO where we stopped the video at and we had to infer on that part of the video that was stopped .We also had to infer and also show the evidence . we had to make an inference as a group but instead of sharing it to the whole group we had to make separate ones but have all the same inferences for the 1st ones the 2nd , 3rd 4rth slides are the slides that we did together so we did those with every group and on the 5th slide it is the slide that was the inference made with our individual groups . And then the rest of the slides are the slides that i Have inferred on my own . ( by the way PJ stands for Percy Jackson that is the reading group that I am in ) If you would like to look at our LS1 school site here it is school site .
Inferring Thoughts and Emotions,
What did you learn ? I learned how to exchange using money with Sandra .
How did you learn ? I learned this by working together .
LI: to exchange 10 1$ notes for one 10$ notes .
This week for inquiry we are learning about exchanging . Here is the DLO | video of what Me and my buddy made about exchanging , my buddy is Sandra and this is the DLO we have made together . We also had to make a plan explaining how to exchange with money . ( it is fake money ) also feel free to look at the DLO that me and my partner made . The video shows exchanging ones for tens and tens for hundreds . There is also a blurb on the google slides that we made also make sure to read it .
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Basic Facts Boxes
Today I decided to do my times tables using the basic facts boxes . I practised some of my times tables . I like to use basic facts boxes because its easier for me to get better at my maths and it also helps me get faster at my maths .This is really helpful for me because when you click the word go it comes up with a bunch of numbers you will have to subtract , add or times and it also tells you if you are wrong or right

Basic facts boxes,
SSR Selfie
This week we did SSR selfie and on the ssr selfie we have to upload a photo of a book and talk about what the book is about . The book i used was ABC With Honora lee . This bookis mostly just talks about bees and why ABC Is important to know if you would like to know what the book is about you can read it .It also shows pictures on what letters and words look like .
Reading .,
SSR Selfie
Verb Tenses
This week for writting we had to make a google slide presentation and had to make a video of the verb that was chosen by your partner or you guys chose it together . I was absent so I am not sure what we were doing but I asume we were doing this . You also had to choose a partner to help you make this DLO .Their had to be atleast 20 examples made with you and your partner . We had to rather make a video or add a photo of yourself or your partner doing the verb \ expression . Inside of the DLO you had to say the word that was used in the past , future and present .
Verb tenses,
Trench Warefare |Inquiry

This week for inquiry we are learning about WW1 and what they did . One of the things that soildiers did in WW1 was make trenches , So this week for inquiry me and my class are learning about trenches that were made in WW1 .This was not an inderpendant activaty this was made in groups of 3 or 2 , my people inside of my group were Me , Alice and Liletina . On this we had to fill in the 4 boxes and write down the health conditions . No mans land , whats inside of a trench and what a trench is and that was what had to be inside of the blue box . We found this information by wating videos and reading sites for facts and the videos and site told lots information to fill inside of the boxes . Our groups also had to find an image and the image we chose is in the middle .
Trench warefares
Telling The Time | Maths

This week for maths we are learning about telling the time . At first we had to create a poster showing how to tell the time here is the poster that i have made . If you do not know how to tell the time you can look at this site and you basically just put a 3 digit number on the button then it will show the time . The site is called Clock Face Generater . The other thing about this site is you can change the size of the clock . We also had to prove how we new what the time was and this is the poster i made proving and telling what the time is .
LI: To tell the time using an analogue clock .
Telling The Time
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
What Can you tell ? \ Inferring
LI: To inferr information from a picture
This week for reading we are doing inferring . Mr Wong's reading groups for reading have did inferring before but not in a google slide presentation . At first we had to get into groups of 2 I got into a group of 4 because i missed out on what our reading groups were doing on Monday so Mr wong found it easier if he put us into groups of 4 , The people inside of my group are Me , Karlos , Alice and Leon .Since we did inferring before we had to kinda remember what inferring means . Inferring means reading between the lines and inferring could also means thinking what other people are feeling .At first we did an example with Mr wong and his reading groups the photo was of a church and a bus .If you would like to look at my group slide presentation you are welcome too .
What Can you telll
Today for maori with whea odie ( our Maori teaches that teaches LS1 Maori ) We had to make a poster with a budy showing foods , vegetables fishes and much more . The budy that I chose was Ellenora . Once we got into groups of 2 miss whea odie made a list of vegetables , fruits , fishes and meats in english and maori , But when we made our poster it couldn't me write in english it had to be made in maori .
Kiwi Can

caring for our community .,
Kiwi Can,
Friday, 16 November 2018
Paragraph Structure
In T4W2 our activaty was to put the bad paragraph in order and change it and make it make sence . The first paragraph that we did was with Mr wong , each group go to do the first one with him but the groups had to be in the rotation and thats how every group got to see Mr wong and thats also how most people got it finished .
Paragraph Structure,
Bundles of ten
In T4W2 we were learning about bundles of ten . So basically what we had to do was make a copy of the thing that Mr Wong made and there was a number that was in maori and there was an object and the number was the ammount of objcts that were needed . for an example if the number was tekau ma iwa which is nineteen in maori the object of number would have to be 19 .
Maths Bundles of ten
Tekau objects
For maths in T4W3 we were suppost to make an animation to discribe what tekau objects look like . Our animation could be used in squares , circles or anything for an example . But the animation had to show 1 or 10 objects . The question that was mostly asked was what number do we use in normal maths ? The number that we use in normal maths is normally 10 or 20 ( I think that it is ) .
Maths .,
tekau objects
in T3W3 we are learing about all the weapons that were used in ww1 . including all of the bombs. at first we had to get into a group of 3 or 2 . The people inside of my group were Alice , Liletina and me . We had to find WW1 weapons that go in the see or fly . The weapon that me and my group found was a submarine , The person who also helped me and my group find submarine was alayah she was helping my group because her partner was aabsent .
On T3W4 Mr Wongs writing groups were learning about evaluating . We also had to get into small groups and use the Panmure Bridge Rubric . Then we had to swap our chromebooks with someone inside of your group to see the new piece of writting .
LI: to evalute writting samples .
Conflict and Resolution
On T3W4 Me and half of my class were learning about Conflict and Resolution. For reading the first thing we had to do was read the book U turn . After we read the book we had to go on to this google drawing that Mr Wong made and we had to fill out the questions like who are the main characters inside of the story . We had to do this inderpenditly.
Conflict and Resolution,
Multiplication and division

this week for my multiplication and division I practised my 2 times tables . At first these were really hard for me but I got the hang of it and some of them were easy .
Multiplication and division
A couple weeks ago we were learning about myths and legends and we had to read Japanese and storys around the world to see if the story was a myth or a legend . at first Mr wongs reading groups had to get into a group of 2 and they had to word together to make a presentation or something . My partner was Charlize .
SSR Selfie
This week we did SSR selfie and on the ssr selfie we have to upload a photo of a book and talk about what the book is about . The book i used was ABC With Honora lee . This bookis mostly just talks about bees and why ABC Is important to know if you would like to know what the book is about you can read it .
Key Boarding

This week for keyboarding drills I went on Dancing mat the game . This game helps you get your writing get faster . it also tells you were you should position your fingers . After that it will give you a word to write down and then you will have to try and write that word with your fingers positioned where the game told you where to position them .

Today for commenting I commented on Afatia's blog post about her mounted art . It didn't really tell me much about what she did she basically just said that she made quatrefoils and showed a picture of her finished art so I think that she needs more writting to explain things .
Blog post,
Mounted Art

This week for maori we are learning about paikea with Miss Whea odie our school maori teacher . at first she read us a book I forgot what it was called but it had something linked to paikea . This activity made it really easy for maori people that have watched the movie wale rider because there is a lot of information about paikea in it because paikea is a wale .
Mounted Art
This week me and my class had to finish the quatrefoils that we had made last week . we had to make 3 quatrefoils 3 digitally and 3 made by paper . the digital ones didn't really matter because we had to mount the paper ones once we were finished .after we finished all 3 of our art we had to make a piece of writing explaining why our design looked like it looked . I made my max gimblett art to remind me of max gimblett. I made my armistice quatrefoil a poppy to remember all the people who died in WW1 . I made my christmas quatrefoil to remember god \ Jesus .
Max Gimblett,
Mounted Art
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Basic facts Boxes
Today I decided to do my times tables using the basic facts boxes . I practised some of my times tables . I like to use basic facts boxes because its easier for me to get better at my maths and it also helps me get faster at my maths .This is really helpful for me because when you click the word go it comes up with a bunch of numbers you will have to subtract , add or times and it also tells you if you are wrong or right

Basic facts boxes .,
Boxing|Kiwi Sport
Today group B participated in boxing with Pax . Pax is our boxing teacher she teaches Me and my class how to box .This took place inside the Panmure bridge hall . The first thing we had to do was get into partners . My partner was Alayah she was a little bit clumsy but it doesn't really mater because she was the partner that I chose . Then we had to play a game of paper scissors rock . The person who won had to where the boxing gloves and the person who lost had to get the noodles . The person with the gloves had to practise punching the noodle with the other person holding it . Then miss said a number when we were finished practising puching she said 2 or 3 and thats how much burpes we had to do . Then she mixed the punching practise up and thats how much punches we had to do .
Kiwi Sport
SSR Selfie
Today I did SSR selfie using the slides that was made by our teachers Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie . If you do not no what me and my class do on this class well we make slides and we write about books that we have read before . This google slide has over 200 slides . This really helps me because I can look at other peoples SSR selfie and i could no more books . For my SSR selfie The book that I used was The BFG also known as The Big Friendly Giant . If you have not read this book before you can look at the pick which is here By The way This is my SSR Selfie .

SSR Selfie,
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Kiwi Can

LI: Learn about community and to show community for our community
Care for our community,
Kiwi Can
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Different types of Rhymes
This week me and my class are learning about dr seuss and rhymes and poems .But for this we had to make a google slide pressentation and then get into a group of four I got into a got into a group of tree because we had to have one person from Mr ogilvies writing groups but we didn't have anybody from Mr ogilvies Writing groups so we had to be a group of three . The people inside of my group are Alice , Miiana and Me ( Liane ) . Inside of this presentation it talks about different types of rhyme . I think there are more types but Me and my group docused on End rhyme , Assonance , Alliteration and consonance if you would like to find out any information about these rhymes you can read this google slide presentation that me and my group made . I think that reading Dr seuss books made it easier to understand these types of rhymes because all of these rhymes where used inside of most of the books that we were reading had rhymes and the part of the rhyme could be used as an example inside of our google slide pressentation . When we walked up to Mr wong The first thing that Mr wong asked was what is Rhymes ? Rhymes are words that sound the same . This helped me a lot because if i ever want to write a poem or a rhyme I basically know all the things to use .
LI: To learn about Rhymes using Dr Seuss Books .
Author Study

Today Ls1 had to make an author study about Dr Seuss . At first Mr Wong read my class a book that we voted on reading . The book that our teacher read was green eggs and ham . After that he explained things to us and then we had to go to the class site and make a copy of this template and atribute images , and also answer the questions that were already on the template that Mr Wong made . Most of the questions were like when and where he was born and questions like that . If you would like to find out more of the questions that I answered you can look at the DLO That I have made . My question is " Why do you think Theador seuss Made books ? If you have read a book made by Dr Seusss what was it . some of his books are Green eggs and ham , horton hears a who , The lorax , The cat in the had , One FIsh Two fish Red fish Blue fish ,Ohh the places you'll go and many more because Theador seuss made over 70 books . If you have a favourite book wtiter or journal write who would it be ? Mine is Theador seuss.
LI: To learn about Dr Seuss .
Author study
Friday, 9 November 2018
Today for art we had to make 3 quatrefoils . 1 inspired by max gimblett , 1 inspired from the armistice day and the last one had to be inspired by christmas . ( they were all in different sizes ) And one of the designs had to be in pastelle , 1 design had to be in penicl and the last one had to be painted . This was pretty easy and pretty hard but the papper did run out fast . We also had to make a digital quitrefoil and the one that we made digitaly it had to be made in real life as well .
LI: To make a quitrefoil degitaly and in real life .
armistice day,
Max Gimblett
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Max Gimblett
LI: to find out information about Max Gimblett
This week for inquiry we are learning about Max Gimblett . He is an Auckland artist .We had to make 3 quatrefoils , 3 digital and 3 papper . 1 had to be in paint which was the max gimblett quatrefoil , 1 had be in pastelle which was the armistice day quatrefoil and the christmas one had to be in pencil .
My Max gimblett art has black as the background colour and gold squares .I made this to remid me of Max Gimblett's art . My favourite thing about my quartrefoil is that it was a really simple quatrefoil to make . And even though Max gimblett has a lot of art the one that I chose was still my favourite .
My armistice art is a poppy quatrefoil . I used a poppy for my armistice day quatrefoil to remember all the people who died on the 11th hour . I also used a poppy because I thought that it was the best thing to use for me .
And My christmas quatrefoil has a black background colour, (I am not sure why its black )it has green and yellow \gold
Max Gimblett
On Wednesday we had maori with Miss Whea Odie . She read us a book and it was called paikea . Paikea is a maori Ancestor .( she is a lady ) After she read us the book she told us to go on google maps and find where Whangara is . And where the school is . This book was inappropriate for me and other kids in my class thought that but the book was a good book that read to me and half of my class .
Kiwi Can
Every Wednesday we have kiwi can . On Wednesday we had a new theme and our theme was protect our community and we also talked about how we could protect our community , I think that we could protect our community by picking up rubbish so that sharks and other sea animals don't die from rubbish . after that we got straight into our energiser . Our energiser was called Catch me if you can , first half of my class got into a circle and we had to put our left hand by our side facing up and the person beside us had to put there index finger on the other persons hand and then when Mr matt said go then one person will have to take hold there finger before it left and the other person had to try and move there finger before that other person tried to catch it .
Energiser 2
Our second energiser was called ten second tag . So the way to play this game is that we went out by the court and Mr matt had to call somebody's name and then that person only had 10 seconds to tag someone and if that person didn't tag someone with in that 10 seconds then that person will have to be out .
Kiwi Can,
Protect our community,
SSR Selfie

Today I did Did SSR Selfie to talk about the book that I read which was James and the giant Peach . If you would like to see what this book is about then you are more welcome then to read my photo of my SSR selfie . This book also has a movie that you could watch ( its called James and the giant peach ) My favourite thing about this is that my whole class uses the SSR Selfie which is just made as a google slide presentation and everyone does the same they just make more slides and they add photos so that you can see what the title of the book looks likes .The good thing about this is that I can see my class mates books that they red .
SSR Selfie
Basic facts boxes
Today I decided to do my times tables using the basic facts boxes . I practised some of my times tables . I like to use basic facts boxes because its easier for me to get better at my maths and it also helps me get faster at my maths .This is really helpful for me because when you click the word go it comes up with a bunch of numbers you will have to subtract , add or times and it also tells you if you are wrong or right .

Basic facts boxes .,
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Film Festival Commenting
Today we had our manaikalani film festival and now I am going to be commenting on a schools maniakalani video that i liked my favourite one was my schools one but im going to comment on another persons video . I decided to comment on Tamaki college's acid do you love me . It was one of my secound favourites so here is a photo of my finisheshed comment .

Manaikalani film Festival
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